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Your Life Purpose – Jas Bassi Video Blog 4

Your Life Purpose – Jas Bassi Video Blog 4


4. Jas Bassi Video Blog – Your Life Purpose

Your Life Purpose – Karma, Soul Plans, Relationships Purpose and Learning

Just another amazing Video Blog. My favourite subject, this one highlighting and following my blog ‘Soul Plan‘. I’ve often been amazed as why and how individuals seem to go through life not understand the higher power that exists and how karma plays a big part in our destiny. Each person holds their own blueprint to their soul and how this blueprint will hold the most important information to what and how our earth life will pan out. Karma determines what we get in return to our good and bad deeds, as we all know the cause and effect cycle, Karma is just another one requirement in our life, that silently plays a massive part in our soul progression from lifetime to lifetime. As our soul develops so does our karmic balance from negative to positive (hopefully).

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