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Curative Hypnotherapy

Curative Hypnotherapy

Jas Bassi BSc (Hons), DipHE Clinical Hypnosis, Adv Dip Hyp, SQHP, ADPR GHR Reg

Visit Jas Bassi Curative Hypnotherapy @ for a clinical appointment with a free initial consultation.

I’m member of the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR).

Curative Hypnotherapy can transformatively help for a range of conditions. If you feel that there is something that is stopping you from living your life or stopping you from experiencing your potential then this may be the right time to develop an understanding about yourself.

  • Fears & Phobias
    Social situations and being outside. Flying, Spiders, Spaces and more
  • Anxiety
    Stress, Worry, Anxieties, Low Confidence and Panic Attacks
  • Addictions
    Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs and other compulsive and life impacting habits
  • Relationships
    Loneliness, rejection and partners
Jas Bassi Hypnotherapy

Call me to have a chat and book a free initial consultation.
10 Harley St, Marylebone, London, W1G 9PF, UK
Call +44 (0) 207 467 8345

or visit:

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