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Video Blog Posts

Video Blog Posts

Video blog

Welcome to the – JBVideoBlog section!

1. Introduction

I’ve decided to make a weekly video blog/vlog as many people requested that I used this platform to get across the message that is deeply hidden in my work. I have some interesting titles coming out, so stay glued to this site.

This blog is an introduction to me and what I do. There will be a series of vlogs coming out so please subscribe to my YouTube channel, so that you never miss out.

This introduction will highlight what I do and what I don’t do. I often hear that most people are afraid to come to me. So hopefully this video will show you a lighter side my personality. So I want everyone to enjoy this Introduction and follow me on the other blogs and videos I create. If anyone wants to know me, then follow my reflections link. Reflections is me doing a Dear Diary, my thoughts and views are expressed there.
#spiritrelease #jasbassi #jbvideoblog #jasbassi #metaphysician #spiritual #healer

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