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Meditation – Jas Bassi Video Blog 7

Meditation – Jas Bassi Video Blog 7


Meditation –  Jas Bassi Video Blog 7

An introduction to meditation and the benefits it brings to your life.

Regular meditation can help to

  • Boost Concentration
  • Provide anxiety relief
  • Improve marital relationships
  • Increase your ability to focus on tasks
  • Assist with creative thinking by clearing your mind of clutter
  • Strengthen your immunity and helps fight diseases
  • Improve memory
  • Facilitate a better night’s sleep

Many people find it difficult to find time to meditate within their daily routine. But how much time is spent on Facebook, watching TV, or shopping online? There are 1440 minutes in a day, and each of these is a gift. All it needs is a shift in thinking – finding 20-30 minutes to achieve the benefits of meditation is not difficult, when we spend time to analyse what we can do differently.

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